Let’s get real. There is no cure for anxiety. It’s something that no matter how much yoga you do or medication you take, you will always have. But there are ways to tackle it. STOP it in it’s tracks before it grows the power to stop you in yours. There are so many different things I’ve tried over the years during those moments that feel like the world is moving at one pace and my heart, brain, and breath are moving at another. Recently however I decided to resort back to a child like state and see if that would do the trick. DRUM ROLL PLEASE…. I bought an “I Spy” book. Yup those books with adorable set designed worlds and riddles of cryptic things to find underneath. If you don’t know what I’m talking about…..what kind of childhood did you have? (I’ve attached images for reference that will hopefully jog your memory)

Basically these books allow you to COMPLETELY focus on something else. They might be for kids but f*ck they are hard. I thought it would be a walk in the park but I recently spent an hour looking for a bell. By the time I found it I had completely forgot that I was anxious in the first place. Now I’m so obsessed with them I use them even when I’m not anxious. You can order them for practically nothing online so do yourself a favor and give it a try. Happy spying! (CLICK ME TO CHECK ONE OUT)

ps. An I Spy book is clearly not a replacement for getting serious help when you need it. If you or someone you know it struggling with mental health please reach out and get help. Resources linked below.

National Helpline Suicide Prevention Life Line The Jed Foundation

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